
Auto Exercise Recognition

Take the work out of workout tracking.

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Isn’t it great when things happen automatically?
Porch lights. Coffee makers. Thermostats.
And now, recording workouts.

That’s the power of SmartTrack.

Get credit for your effort.

SmartTrack automatically recognizes and records your workouts and captures all your stats: like how long you were active, calories burned and heart rate zones.

With SmartTrack keeping track, you realize that every little workout counts—from a lunchtime stroll to your daily bike commute. Suddenly, hitting your exercise goals feels like a walk in the park.

Tracks this. And that. Oh, and that too.

SmartTrack recognizes activities with continuous movement or high movement.

Walking (includes hikes)
Aerobic Workout (continuous, high movement activities like dance or kickboxing)
Outdoor Bike
Sports (continuous, high movement activities like tennis, basketball, soccer)
Swimming (only on
Fitbit Flex 2™)

Behind the scenes of SmartTrack technology.

Inside your tracker, SmartTrack is continuously running calculations to detect when you’ve been moving for 15 minutes or more.

Behind the scenes of SmartTrack technology.

By following the intensity and patterns of your movement, SmartTrack recognizes the activity you’re doing and tracks your stats.

Behind the scenes of SmartTrack technology.

When you’re done, a workout summary automatically gets logged to the Fitbit app.

So you can focus less on pushing buttons, and more on pushing yourself.

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Customize your settings.

Choose your activities

You can specify which activities you want SmartTrack to recognize by turning auto-detect on or off.

Set length of time

By default, SmartTrack recognizes activities when you’ve been moving for 15+ minutes. You can change this to anywhere from 10 to 90 minutes.

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Step it up with multi-sport modes.

For more precise tracking and to see real-time stats on your wrist, track specific workouts with multi-sport modes on Fitbit Blaze, Fitbit Charge 2 and Fitbit Surge.

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Grab a tracker with SmartTrack.

Sprint over to the Fitbit blog for ideas on how to get moving.